Content Moderator (Junior Data Analyst) With English And Finnish
Content Moderator (Junior Data Analyst)
with English and Finnish
Content Moderator (Junior Data Analyst) with English and FinnishContent moderators serve as an important line of defense by helping improve the quality and safety of online content while gaining hands-on job experience. You will deliver value to our clients, while making a larger impact on society. Content Moderators help create a safe and inclusive community by minimizing bad experiences online. They help create an environment free of intimidation and exclusion and often avert the spread of real-world harm. And above all, they contribute to the protection of those most vulnerable community members and groups.
We are looking for candidates with familiarity and passion for the internet, internet platforms, and internet culture. You will be responsible for analyzing and reviewing user profiles, audio, videos, and text-based content and/or investigating, escalating and/or resolving issues that are reported by users or flagged by the system. Due to the nature of the role, the individual may be exposed to flashing lights or contrasting light and dark patterns.
Content moderation is meaningful work that helps keep the internet safe. It may also be challenging, at times. In the context of this role, individuals may be directly or inadvertently exposed to potentially objectionable and sensitive content (e.g., graphic, violent, sexual, or egregious). Therefore, content moderators need strong resilience and coping skills. We care for the health and well-being of our people and provide the support and resources needed to perform their role responsibilities. Active participation in Accenture’s well-being support program, designed specifically for the Trust andamp; Safety community, provides valuable skills to promote individual and collective well-being.
What will you do:
Review, classify and/or remove content according to client guidelines, using specific tools and channels
Understand and remain updated on changing client policies and guidelines
Investigate, resolve, and relay complex content issues to the broader Trust and Safety team
Serve as an advocate for the user community
Participate in process improvement initiatives that improve quality and efficiency of work
Participate in continuous training programs and workgroup discussions for optimal development in the role
Hereand's what you need:
Strong coping, emotional resilience, and stress-management skills
Excellent comprehension, communication, and English and Finnish skills (minimum B2 level)
Ability to perform duties objectively, devoid of inherent biases or personal beliefs, in the best interest of client policies
Strong attention to detail
Comfort synthesizing and analyzing information from multiple streams
Strong critical thinking and decision-making skills
Deep familiarity and passion for the internet, internet platforms, and internet culture
Ability to work well individually and as part of a team
Flexibility in meeting changing business needs in a fast-paced environment
Commitment to quality, efficiency, and effectiveness
Previous business process outsourcing, customer service, or content moderation experience is a plus
Excel skills - nice to have
Availability for a full-time job in standard office hours (Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00) in a hybrid mode
- Inclusion&Diversity in practice in truly multinational enviroment
- Eco-friendly offices
- Cooperation with globally recognized Clients and access to the latest technology solutions
- Online and classroom trainings to master your skills
- Onboarding program and dedicated Buddy
- Unique community with sport, volunteering activites and outings
- Access to MyBenefit platrofm
- Multisport and lunch card
- Private medical care and life insurance
- Referral program with bonuses for referring new employees
- Modern office in the city center of Warsaw
- Chill room, game room, library and coffee-breaks at terrace
Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries, we offer Strategy and Consulting, Song, Technology, Industry X and Operations servicesâall powered by the worldâs largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers. Our 738,000 people deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity every day, serving clients in more than 120 countries. We embrace the power of change to create value and shared success for our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities. Visit us at www.accenture.pl Accenture Operations provides business process services for specific functions, including finance and accounting; procurement and supply chain; and marketing & sales. We operate business processes with a combination of talent and data, artificial intelligence, analytics and digital technologies, helping clients to improve their productivity, customer experience and performance. If you are interested, please send your CV in English by clicking "apply now!" buttonWhen applying please enclose the below statement:"I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data by Accenture Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw (00-121), at ul. Sienna 39, NIP 526-00-15-900 (Data Controller), in accordance with the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 922) and the Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive), necessary to carry out the recruitment process by Accenture. At the same time, I declare that I provide my personal data completely voluntary. I also declare that I have been informed about my right to withdraw my consent or object to processing of data, request access to them, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing and their transfer, at any time and the right to lodge a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority."Accenture does not discriminate employment candidates on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, national origin, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnicity, denomination, sexual orientation or any other basis impermissible under Polish law.
Użyj naszego kreatora CV i otrzymaj oferty pracy dopasowane do Twojego doświadczenia.

Maja, Business&Integration Architecture Senior Analyst
Zajmuję się wdrożeniami rozwiązań technologicznych w oparciu o platformę Salesforce dla jednych z największych firm na świecie. Praca w Accenture to dla mnie nowe wyzwania, innowacyjne projekty, świetna atmosfera, a przede wszystkim work-life balance. Dzięki niemu mogę rozwijać swoje umiejętności zarówno w życiu prywatnym jak i zawodowym.
Nicola, Management Consultant
Chociaż mieszkam w Polsce, na co dzień jestem w Dublinie. Oznacza to dla mnie wiele podróżowania i pracy, ale też możliwość życia w innym Państwie. Moją największą pasją są sporty zimowe. Możesz myśleć, że częsta jazda na nartach czy snowbardzie jest ciężka do realizacji przy takim trybie życia. To prawda. Ale z Accenture wszystko jest możliwe.
Maciej, Security Consulting Consultant
W Accenture poznałem wielu ludzi, którzy podobnie jak ja, są fanami motocykli. Wspólne dyskusje o pasji, które wspólnie dzielimi sprawiają, że praca tutaj jest świetna. Moją specjalizacją jest bezpieczeństwo w obszarze cyfrowej tożsamości, w szczególności w sektorze bankowym.
Dlaczego praca w Accenture to dobry wybór zawodowy?
Oto kilka powodów:
- Wyrózniamy się innowacyjnym, kreatywnym i holistycznym podejściem do działań.
- Pracujemy nad międzynarodowymi projektami w skali globalnej dla TOP klientów.
- Jesteśmy liderem, tworzymy technologie przyszłości.
- Oferujemy możliwość zdobycia certyfikacji w różnych obszarach (np. Salesforce, Magento).
- Mamy pasję do budowania złożonych technologicznie rozwiązań, które w prosty sposób usprawniają naszą codzienną pracę.
- Żadna inna firma nie ma tak szerokiego spojrzenia na proces zmiany w sposobie życia i pracy ludzi, dlatego w Accenture możemy Ci tak wiele zaproponować.
- Płynnie posługujemy się dwoma bardzo różnymi językami – biznesu i technologii. Potrafimy mówić językiem aplikacji i programowania, kiedy trzeba przełożyć potrzebę klienta na konkretne funkcjonalności.
- Dajemy możliwość wymiany doświadczeń z największymi ekspertami w branży z całego świata.
W Accenture dbamy o naszych pracowników. Jeśli do nas dołączysz, zapewnimy Ci następujące benefity:
- Wirtualna Biblioteka Accenture
- Szkolenia i kursy
- Certyfikaty technologiczne/językowe
- Opieka doświadczonego mentora
- Imprezy firmowe
- Wyjazdy zagraniczne
- Karta multisport
- Prywatna opieka medyczna
- Karta lunch pass
- Korporacyjna karta kredytowa American Express Gold.
Accenture praca w dziale Consulting
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Kogo szukamy?
Pierwsze doświadczenia zawodowe możesz z nami zdobywać już na studiach. Zapraszamy studentów i absolwentów wszystkich kierunków, a w szczególności:
- Informatyka
- Telekomunikacja
- Elektronika
- Matematyka
- Metody ilościowe
- systemy informatyczne
- i pokrewnych.
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